

问:如何缓解学生的厌学情绪 英语作文
  1. 答:Alleviate student's disgusted, schools and parents need to do the following: one, to cultivate students' ess psychology, the transition; Second, the students create chances of ess; Three, strengthening students' self-confidence and ShengRenGan; Four, helping students improve their learning ability; Five, try to reduce the psychological and academic burden; Six, guiding students build good human relations.
  2. 答:作文:How to alleviate student's disgusted, schools and parents to do below when: first of all, give the child enough self-confidence; Next, want to make some opportunities for students to strengthen the students' self-confidence and the victory of feeling; Then, parent teacher to have the patience to help students children improve their learning ability; Finally, parents and teachers should be appropriate to give children some relaxation, don't give the child too much pressure.
  3. 答:给他们些幽默但是实用的英语~把英语作文里可能会用到的一些语句,和生活联系起来,让他们觉得英语的轻松~
  1. 答:Why students don't like learning?
    At present,many students don't like learning.Most of them think the leaning is boring.They aren't interested in it.They like playing and doing other things better.Some of them don't like their teachers so they hate learning.Others only want to make their parents pay more attention to them,maybe their parents are always busy working and seldom look after them.
    In my oppion,first of all ,we are students,so the most important thing for us is to study well.Second we can find out that if we want to learn something well we can find it interesting.What's more,if we want to make our parents pay more attention to us,we can try other ways,such as having a talk with them and tell them what you think.I hope my advise can help you!
  2. 答:because of the chinese educational system
问:初中英语教学论文 浅谈如何帮助八年级学生英语单词过关
  1. 答:摘要:在初中阶段的英语学习中,单词的学习是一个最基础最重要的一个部分。到了八年级,由于词汇量变大,很多学生因为记不住单词而渐渐失去学习英语的兴趣。老师在通过游戏和活动等方式调动学生的学习兴趣之外,更应该加强学生学法的指导和引导,打通阻碍学生英语单词学习的几道难关,使学生学会主动记忆单词,让他们能在英语学习的道路上越来越轻松,越来越有信心。关键词:英语单词,语音,多媒体,记忆在八年级的英语教学中,学生的词汇的学习有不少难关:第一,读音方面,相当一部分学生往往还用汉语来拼读英语单词而没有利用读音来记单词。第二,对记忆单词没兴趣没信心。第三,在记忆单词的时候,机械记忆,不会应用,容易忘记。于是,部分学生越来越感觉到词汇的记忆已成为学习英语的一大障碍,逐渐对英语产生惧怕的心理,甚至产生厌学情绪。如何来帮助学生过关呢?第一、打通语音难关
