

问:书名《EMMA》读后感翻译 拒接 google Translate
  1. 答:这本书是《爱玛》,作者是简·奥斯汀。这本书是关于爱玛的故事,故事发生在伦敦附近的海布里,爱玛家非常富有她也非常聪明,她热衷做红娘,我喜欢她热衷帮助别人,但是不喜欢她帮助别人的方法,因为她做红娘的时候不顾别人的感受。爱玛有个问题是她不相信爱情,但是她在做红娘的过程中爱上了奈特利先生(高卖爱玛姐夫的哥哥)。这敏举本书让我学习到以自己的方式帮助别人的时戚拿逗候,要站在别人的位置想想。
  2. 答:This book is "Emma", the author is Jan Austin. This book is about the story of Emma, the story happened in London near Highbury, Emma family is very rich and she is very clever, she is keen to do matchmaker, I love herkeen to help others, but she doesn'胡培猜t like help others, when she do matchmaker regardless of the feelings of others.Emma has a problem is she doesn't believe in love, but in the process she do matchmaker fell in love with Mr. Knightley (Emma'裤型中返s brother). This book makes me learn to their own way to help others, to stand in other people's shoes.
  3. 答:你所给的词汇在google上的翻译是这样的


问:求Emma 的英文简介(故事梗概),200字左右
  1. 答:小说主人公爱玛是个美丽聪明的地主 ,喜欢与人作盯侍媒。她在无聊之中把邻近的一个孤女哈丽埃特置于自己的保护之下,主观臆想地安排她的恋爱。哈丽埃特很随和地一次又一次“爱”上了爱玛给她选择的“求婚者”。最后在爱玛的不负责的怂恿下,竟自以为“爱”上了本地最大的地主兼地方官奈凯顷吵特利先生,这时爱玛才猛然发现原来自己是爱乎历奈特利先生的,最后两人都找到了与自己相匹配的伴侣。
    Emma is a beautiful and smart landowner lady. She liked matchmaking. One day, because of being bored, she put an orphan girl, Haley Pieter, under her protection. She arrange the girl to fall in love by her objective judgment Haley was easy-going and "loved" the "suitors" who was chosen by Emma times again. At last, with Emma's unresposible encouraging, Haley considered that she "loved" the biggest landowner and alderman, Mr.Knightley. Till then, Emma suddenly found that it was herself who loved Mr. Knightley. And the final result was that Emma and Haley found their panions.
问:谁有《爱玛》的内容简介啊?要英文的 越清晰越好 最好带有翻译!!谢谢
  1. 答:爱玛电物核历动车的中罩搜文意思就是:永远的领航者氏耐
  2. 答:我刚好含耐前两天老师布置了这个作业,这是我自辩老岩己写的,当然也有百携御度金山的功劳啦
    Emma Woodhouse was beautiful, clever and rich, and had lived to be twenty years old with very little to pain or trouble her. Her father is a rich country gentleman, loved her spoiled her .Her mother died long ago ,and Emma was tough at home by an excellent governess Miss Taylor.
    When she met Miss Harriet Simith, she is interesting in her because of her beauty. And Emma try to help Harriet under her protection ,subjective imaginary for her love. And Harriet is easy to "love" with that Emma for her suitors again and again .At last Harriet thought herself "love" with the e Knightley. At this time ,Emma suddenly discovered that she is fond of the gentlemanly e Knightley.
    Finally, both of them were found the one they loved .
